Masterclass: Decision writing

This masterclass is open to individuals who write decisions under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). The training has been specifically designed for the right to information environment. Participants will learn and practice new techniques to enhance writing clarity, understanding and persuasiveness.

Writing reasons for decision are not just a conclusion or the outcome in a particular matter. They must adequately explain the analysis which led to that conclusion or outcome. As a result, reasons identify the parties, crystallise the issues, accurately set out the relevant facts, and explain the conclusion in light of the applicable law and the arguments of the parties involved. In doing this, the reasons should be written in a style and manner that aids understanding with due consideration to the reader.

What will the training cover?

Who will deliver the training?

The training will be facilitated by experienced Office of the Information Commissioner staff.

When and where will it be conducted?

Is there a cost?

There is no fee associated with this training.

Fees will only be incurred in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined below.

Numbers are limited to a maximum of 25.


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Terms and conditions:

The delivery of this training is subject to attendance numbers. Any cancellations must be advised at least 48 hours before the training commences by emailing or by phoning 3405 3074. If notice is not given the Office of the Information Commissioner reserves the right to charge any associated costs to you or your agency.