Under the Right to Information Act 20091 (Qld) (RTI Act), people have the right to apply to an agency2 for access to documents. This right only extends to documents and information3 that exist on the day a compliant application is received or a non-compliant application is made compliant.4
Agencies have the discretion to give access to other documents created after the valid application was received, but these are called post-application documents.5
A post-application document:
Agencies are not required to give an applicant a post-application document, but in some circumstances they may wish to do so, for example where a specifically relevant document arrived in the agency shortly after the date of the application.
There are no requirements for how an agency gives access to post-application documents, however:
Section 68 of the RTI Act provides for agencies to give access by creating written documents from:
A written document created under section 68 is not a post-application document. Refer to Providing access to documents for more information on section 68 of the RTI Act.
Agencies have the discretion to give post-application documents to an applicant, but unless the applicant agrees, post-application documents cannot be provided instead of documents in scope of the application.
Where the agency believes an applicant's scope could be satisfied by a post-application document, for example where they are seeking statistical data that does not exist but could be compiled, the agency could contact the applicant to discuss providing a post-application document.
When taking this approach, the decision maker should:
Current as at: November 15, 2024