Follow-up audit report – Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service

This report presents our findings on the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service’s progress in implementing the six recommendations of our 2016-17 compliance audit with the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld).

Read the full report (PDF, 952.76 KB)

We concluded that the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service has fully implemented two recommendations and is in progress to implementing four recommendations.

Most notably, the hospital and health service has:

  • updated its publication scheme and established practices to ensure information published is current and relevant
  • published a list of its information holdings and datasets
  • progressed work to incorporate right to information and information privacy into its mandatory orientation sessions for new staff
  • intentions to create a committee to identify, manage and monitor proactive disclosure.

We acknowledge the GCHHS’s plans to implement the remaining recommendations. The hospital and health service needs to ensure it now takes action as planned to realise the benefits of these recommendations.