Submission - New Australian Government Data Sharing and Release Legislation

OIC provided a submission on the New Australian Government Data Sharing and Release Issues Paper for Consultation.  Opening up government data is consistent with, and an important part of, Queensland’s right to information ‘push model’. OIC supports strategies and initiatives, such as Open Data, that maximise disclosure of government-held information to the community and provide appropriate protections for the community’s personal information.

Striking the right balance between greater data availability and use and the protection of an individual’s privacy and personal data is critical to realising the benefits of data, achieving greater openness and transparency and enhancing levels of trust in government. OIC notes a legislated Consumer Data Right is being developed concurrently and led by the Treasurer, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, as part of the package of reforms to unlock the benefits of public sector data while maintaining trust and confidence in the system.

Download the submission (PDF, 356.63 KB)