This Client Service Charter sets out what Queensland Office of the Information Commissioner (OIC) clients can expect from us and what the OIC expects from its clients.
The OIC is an independent statutory body that reports to a Parliamentary Committee. This means the community can have confidence that the role of the Information Commissioner will be carried out independently, fairly, and impartially.
Our vision is “Building Trust through transparency”.
Our role is to independently regulate and promote information access and privacy rights.
You can find out more about our Key Functions from our website and in our Strategic Plan.
Our clients are members of the community and Queensland public sector agencies that are subject to the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) and Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) (IP Act).
We will deliver our services in line with our values. This means we will:
If you believe OIC has not met these service expectations, you can make a complaint under our Complaints Management Procedure.
We support the Queensland Government's vision for a modern, fair and responsive Queensland that respects, protects, and promotes human rights. From 1 January 2020, the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) (Human Rights Act) forms part of the obligations and oversight mechanisms of government.
The main objects of the Human Rights Act are to:
If you believe that we have not properly taken your human rights into account when making a decision or taking an action as required by the Human Rights Act, you can make a complaint under our Complaints Management Procedure.
The Information Commissioner (IC) has a responsibility to maintain a safe, supportive and respectful workplace for their employees.
The IC expects everyone who deals with OIC staff and Commissioners, to do so in a respectful and polite manner.
In order to provide you with the best possible service, we expect you to:
The IC also expects that you will not:
Behaviour of the above nature will not be tolerated and will be handled in accordance with OIC's Managing Complex and Unreasonable Behaviour Policy and could result in your contact with us being limited.
We continually monitor our performance to ensure we meet our service standards and welcome your feedback. We conduct surveys of clients to obtain feedback about our performance with a view to further improving our services.
You can provide feedback on our services via the below contact details.
You can contact us by telephone, email, post or using our online contact form.
Telephone: 1800 642 753 or (07) 3234 7373
Postal Address:
Office of the Information Commissioner
PO Box 10143 Adelaide Street
Brisbane Qld 4000