Under the Right to Information Act 20091(RTI Act) information is exempt from release if its disclosure is prohibited by the specific Acts2 listed in schedule 3, section 12 of the RTI Act.3.
The RTI Act generally overrides the provisions of other Acts that prevent the disclosure of information.4 However, if the Act is listed in schedule 3, section 12 the information will be exempt from release, unless it is the applicant’s personal information.5
If the Act that prohibits disclosure of information is not listed in section 12, the information will not be exempt, but it may be contrary to the public interest to release, as disclosure of information being prohibited by an Act is a public interest factor against disclosure.6 The decision maker will have to consider whether the information is exempt under another exempt information provision or, if not, whether it is contrary to the public interest to disclose, taking into account that the disclosure of information is prohibited by an Act.
Jill, who lives in Brisbane, submitted an RTI access application to the Department of Trees for documents relating to poisonous trees in George Town. Section 222 of the George Town Act 2011 prohibits the disclosure of information relating to poisonous trees to anyone who is not a resident of George Town.
While section 222 prohibits disclosure of information, it is not listed under schedule 3, section 12 of the RTI Act so the information is not exempt from release under that provision.
The decision maker will have to consider whether the information is exempt under another exempt information provision or, if not, whether it is contrary to the public interest to disclose, taking into account that the disclosure of information is prohibited by an Act.
Schedule 3, section 12(2) provides that information is not exempt information under subsection (1) if it is personal information of the applicant.
This only applies to the applicant’s personal information.7 It does not apply if the information is the applicant’s personal information and the personal information of another person.8 It also does not apply to corporations, as only individuals can have personal information for the purpose of the RTI Act.9
The Acts and the specific provisions listed in schedule 3, section 12 of the RTI Act are described briefly below.
Section 29(2) of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 prohibits a person from disclosing knowledge or information given to or otherwise acquired by the person in a report or other document if:
Section 314 of the Adoption Act 2009 precludes public service employees and other people performing functions under the Adoption Act 2009 from disclosing protected information11. Exceptions12 to this prohibition include circumstances where the disclosure of protected information is required or permitted under the Adoption Act 2009 or where it is necessary to perform the person’s functions under the Act.13
The Auditor‑General is responsible for audits of public sector agencies including departments, statutory bodies, government owned corporations, and local governments. Section 53 of the Auditor General Act 2009 prohibits disclosure of information disclosed to or obtained by specific people in relation to an audit conducted under that Act where the information is not publicly available, except where specific exemptions apply.
Sections 19 and 20 of the Australian Crime Commission (Queensland) Act 2003 allow an examiner to issue a summons or notice to appear before an examiner and to produce documents. Section 21(1) of that Act provides that an examiner issuing a summons or notice under sections 19 or 20 must, or may, include in it a notation to the effect that disclosure of information about the summons or notice is prohibited except in the circumstances, if any, specified in the notation.
Sections 186, 187 and 188 of the Child Protection Act 1999 (CP Act) prohibit the disclosure of information:
Exceptions apply in certain cases to the prohibitions in sections 186, 18715 and 188 of the CP Act.
Part 3A of the Child Protection (Offender Reporting and Offender Prohibition Order) Act 2004 allows the police commissioner to apply for a prohibition order. Under section 51C, a person who obtains protected information because of their involvement in the administration of part 3A must not disclose the information to anyone else.
The child protection register records certain information about offenders. Section 70 prohibits people who have access to the child protection register from disclosing personal information contained on the register unless certain exceptions apply.
Section 239(2) of the Financial Intermediaries Act 1996 prohibits a person who is, or was at any time, involved in the administration of the Act to make a record of or disclose information about a person which has been obtained in the course of duties performed under that Act.
Section 85 of the G20 (Safety and Security) Act 2013 prohibits a person that has knowledge of restricted information (because of their employment), from disclosing restricted information without lawful authority. Restricted information includes information relating to all or any part of the G20 meeting, such as information relating to planning or deployment for the meeting or part information the disclosure of which could prejudice the security of buildings or vehicles and more.16
Section 288 of the Youth Justice Act 1992 prohibits the disclosure of confidential information, including identifying information, about a child being dealt with under that Act. Information may only be recorded, used or disclosed for an authorised purpose listed under section 289 of the Youth Justice Act 1992.
Section 129 of the Maintenance Act 1965 prohibits the publication of any account or report of hearings of a complaint in relation to orders made in relation to a child whose parents were not married to each other at the time of conception.
Section 80(2) of the Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Act 2018 (MER Act) prohibits the disclosure of confidential information except as provided for in part 5 of the MER Act. Section 82(2) prohibits the disclosure of specific confidential information, namely that which has been acquired from the scheme manager under section 82(1).
Section 65(1) of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 prohibits the disclosure of confidential information gained in the administration of that Act unless an exception in section 65(3) of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 applies.
Confidential information includes (but is not limited to) information about the identity, occupation, residential or work address or whereabouts of a person who makes a public interest disclosure17, or against whom a public interest disclosure has been made18.
Information is exempt information if its disclosure is prohibited by part 8 of the Taxation Administration Act 2001 so far as it applies to personal confidential information under that Act. Part 8 of the Taxation Administration Act 2001 deals with confidentiality and includes three sections. Section 111 provides that an official must not disclose confidential information acquired in their capacity as an official, unless exceptions under section 111(2) of the Taxation Administration Act 2001 apply. Section 112 provides that if a person knowingly acquires confidential information without lawful authority or receives information that they know, or should know, is confidential, they must not disclose the information to anyone one unless the Act allows them to.
Section 113 allows certain people to refuse to disclose specific information in court or Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal proceedings.
Section 29(2) of the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 prohibits a person from disclosing knowledge or information given to or otherwise acquired by the person in a report or other document if:
Section 36 of the Witness Protection Act 2000 makes it an offence to disclose information about a ‘relevant person’20 or the witness protection program that may threaten the security of that person or the integrity of the program or other witness protection activities. There are some exceptions to this prohibition on disclosure21.
Section 37 of the Witness Protection Act 2000 prohibits the disclosure or communication of information about persons involved in protection arrangements, as well as any details of the arrangement, subject to the exceptions in section 37(2).
Section 38 of the Witness Protection Act 2000 applies to a relevant person (such as a member of the commission, including the chairperson, officer of the commission, registrar-general and more)22. It provides that a relevant person cannot be required to produce a document or to disclose anything related to the performance of duties or the protection of persons under this Act unless one of the exceptions apply.23
Under section 12(1A), information is exempt information if its disclosure was prohibited by the repealed Transport (Rail Safety) Act 2010, part 9, division 2, as in force at any time before its repeal. Part 9, division 2 prohibited the recording and disclosure of restricted information except in certain circumstances. Restricted information included:
Current as at: August 12, 2022