Save Our Foreshore Incorporated and Department of Natural Resources and Mines; Shute Harbour Marina Development Pty Ltd (Third Party) [2017] QICmr 55 (24 November 2017)

Application number:
Save Our Foreshore Incorporated
Department of Natural Resources and Mines
Other parties:
Shute Harbour Marina Development Pty Ltd ACN 081 285 832
Decision date:
Friday, Nov 24, 2017

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - REFUSAL OF ACCESS - CONTRARY TO PUBLIC INTEREST INFORMATION - financial and commercial information about a developer approved to undertake significant development on State land - high level of community interest in project - enhance accountability and transparency - reveal background information to a Government decision - contribute to positive and informed debate - prejudice to entity’s business affairs - prejudice to Government’s ability to obtain confidential information - whether disclosure would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest - whether access to information may be refused under section 47(3)(b) of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)