G46 and Queensland Police Service (No. 2) [2020] QICmr 73 (7 December 2020)

Application number:
Queensland Police Service
Decision date:
Monday, Dec 07, 2020

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION - REFUSAL TO DEAL WITH APPLICATION - PREVIOUS APPLICATION FOR SAME DOCUMENTS - documents relating to the applicant and their interactions with the agency - previous application had been the subject of a completed external review - whether the later application, on its face, discloses any reasonable basis for again seeking access - section 62 of the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION -REFUSAL OF ACCESS - DOCUMENTS NONEXISTENT OR UNLOCATABLE - documents relating to the applicant and their interactions with the agency - whether there are reasonable grounds to be satisfied that all reasonable steps have been taken to locate documents - section 67(1) of the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and sections 47(3)(e) and 52 of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - RIGHT TO INFORMATION -REFUSAL OF ACCESS - CONTRARY TO PUBLIC INTEREST INFORMATION - documents relating to the applicant and their interactions with the agency - whether disclosure would, on balance, be contrary to public interest - section 67(1) of the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and sections 47(3)(b) and 49 of the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld)